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GB/T 18883 is a standard that sets out guidance for evaluating the indoor air pollution caused by construction and decoration materials, furniture, and activities in the home.

What’s involved in GB/T 18883?

Appendix D of GB/T 18883 defines the sampling and analytical method for the identification of TVOC in indoor air. Tenax GR or Tenax TA are specified to trap these compounds. It does not list specific TVOC components, but only requires that the chromatogram should contain compounds from hexane to hexadecane, among which at least the 10 biggest peaks should be identified and quantified. Any unrecognised peaks are measured in peak-area toluene equivalents, and then the total VOC concentration is calculated by summing these values.

Complying with GB/T 18883

Problems such as high background interference, carryover and poor reproducibility are often encountered during use of this method.

However, Markes’ TD100-xr and UNITY–ULTRA-xr, and DiffLok technology, can easily solve these problems, while overlap mode greatly improves sample throughput.