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Application Note 158
Application note
Categories: Thermal desorption tubes Prepacked sorbent tubes Standards and calibration Sorbent tube end caps Indoor air quality Landfill gas Industrial air VIAQ Sorbent tube-based TD-100 xr Thermal desorption tube sampling Application note PFAS

Analysis of trace per- and polyfluorinated organic vapours in air using cryogen-free thermal desorption and gas chromatography–mass spectrometry

Application Note 158

This application note describes the sampling and analysis of a challenging range of trace-level volatile and semi-volatile vapours of per- and polyfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS) in air. The analytical system used combines modern single-quadrupole gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS) technology and a TD100-xr™ automated thermal desorption (TD) system from Markes International, which operates without a liquid cryogen coolant and complies fully with relevant international standard methods.

The study also demonstrates the benefit of using quantitative TD sample re-collection for validation of analyte recovery through the entire analytical TD process.

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