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How to change split tube O-rings on the TD100-xr and UNITY-xr
'How to' video
Categories: Instrument spare parts Sorbent tube-based TD-100 xr UNITY-xr 'How to' videos

How to change Split tube O-rings on the TD100-xr and UNITY-xr

TD100-xr™ is an automated thermal desorption system for the rapid and unattended processing of up to 100 × 3½-inch sorbent tubes in a single sequence. It’s the perfect thermal desorption unit for high-throughput analytical laboratories needing to process large numbers of tube-based samples automatically.

UNITY-xr™ is an industry-leading analytical TD instrument that provides exceptional performance for VOCs and SVOCs collected onto 3½-inch sorbent tubes, while offering unmatched upgrade flexibility for tube, canister and on-line automation. It’s perfect for laboratories with low throughput requirements that are starting out in TD, or for analysts needing a versatile thermal desorber for all their TD applications (whether tubes, canisters, or on-line).