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Micro-Chamber/Thermal Extractor
Categories: Consumer and industrial products Clinical Automotive Defence Forensic Drink Food Soil analysis Semi-volatiles Spray polyurethane foam Plastics Construction products Cleanroom contaminants Automotive material testing VIAQ Medical devices Microchamber sampling Thermal desorption tubes Thermal desorption Mirco-Chamber/Thermal Extractor Sample extraction, solids and liquids Brochure

Micro-Chamber/Thermal Extractor

Micro Chamber

This brochure describes the Micro-Chamber/Thermal Extractor™ (µ-CTE™), a compact, stand-alone unit for the rapid, method-compliant sampling of chemical vapours released from a wide variety of products, foods and materials.

With its simple operation and ability to simultaneously collect volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds (VOCs and SVOCs) from up to six samples, the µ-CTE is a powerful tool for increasing laboratory productivity.

It is also versatile – accommodating many types of solid and liquid sample, and allowing vapour collection using sorbent tubes, DNPH cartridges and on-line systems.

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